Tag Archives: Rick Newman

“7 Ways to survive the jobless recovery,” from US News & World Report

The link is below, so I won't go into much detail here.  Only to point out that three of the ways echo what we've been saying here and in the sales books:

  • "Don't wait for lost jobs to return."
  • "Don't count on big companies."  They are doing very well, thank you, with fewer employees.  But, as an entrepreneur you can find those big companies a ready market if you can show how you fill the needs that they still have, even after layoffs.  Outsourcing, in short, can be sourcing to you, if you can find the need and make the case for yourself.   (That is, if you can sell— which is what we're all about here and in the sales books.)
  • "Become entrepreneurial."

7 Ways to survive the jobless recovery, Rick Newman, US News