Tag Archives: phone sales skills

Telephone etiquette with the gatekeeper or secretarial screen

Telephone etiquette with the gatekeeper or secretarial screen . . . professional ways of speaking with, and maybe even winning the gatekeeper as an ally.

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Telephone sales training: if you encounter voice mail

Considerations before you make that call:

1. If you encounter voice mail, will you leave a message, or keep trying to reach the prospect directly? If you leave your name, then you leave it in  the prospect's hands to respond, and you lose control.

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Telephone sales skills: if you encounter voice mail

Voice mail, or answering machines on either land lines or cell phones, works as another kind of screen or gatekeeper keeping you from talking directly to the prospect in organizations both small and large.

Here , as part of our series here on telephone sales skills, we look  at five key rules that apply when you encounter the Prospect's voice mail.

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