Category Archives: Free sales training articles

Free sales training book: How to Sell Face-to-Face: Survival Guide— this week only


Celebrate national Read an E-Book Week!

We're teaming with Smashwords to bring our How to Sell Face-to-Face: Survival Guide for you to read or download online FREE!  Yes, Free Sales Book!  Free Sales Training book! Free stuff!

What's the catch? It's on Smashwords, and it's this week only— March 7-13, 2010.

Here's the link to get a free e-copy of How to Sell Face-to-Face: Survival Guide

But NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT: to get this special offer you must use the code RFREE at checkout. The offer expires March 13,2010.

Want a paper version?  You can get that at Amazon, but — alas — t'ain't free.  See the side panel.

Overcoming objections: why prospects may be inclined not to buy, Part # 3

"COLD CALL SALES AND PROSPECTING CHECKLIST: 14 PRACTICAL STRATEGIES WHEN COLD-COLD CALLING"  which had been here in four parts is  now  a short E-book,  available via Amazon. 

You can read it on a Kindle, or in various other E-reader formats, including your PC.  Amazon offfers free apps to enable you to do that.

Order e-edition of Overcoming objections: why prospects DO NOT buy



Objections and questions as buying signals

Objections and questions as buying signals — cues that the prospect is ready to buy, or at the very least, nearly ready.

Sometimes, when you look through a prospect's question, or even what appears to be an objection, you find that they are subconsciously signaling their readiness to buy.

For example, you may encounter the question, "How soon could you install?"

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Responding to objections and questions: why prospects DO NOT buy, Part #2

"COLD CALL SALES AND PROSPECTING CHECKLIST: 14 PRACTICAL STRATEGIES WHEN COLD-COLD CALLING"  which had been here in four parts is  now  a short E-book,  available via Amazon. 

You can read it on a Kindle, or in various other E-reader formats, including your PC.  Amazon offfers free apps to enable you to do that.

Order e-edition of Overcoming objections: why prospects DO NOT buy

Personality test using color choice

Personality tests address the questions, "Who am I— really, down deep inside?  What am I best at?  Am I missing my real potentials?" — questions we all ponder from time to time.

Introspection can take us only so far, which is why personality testing has become a significant industry.

We'll be adding a new book on personality testing here soon. In the meantime, here's another take on

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Telephone etiquette with the gatekeeper or secretarial screen

Telephone etiquette with the gatekeeper or secretarial screen . . . professional ways of speaking with, and maybe even winning the gatekeeper as an ally.

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Your new business venture: getting started

The Wall Street Journal runs a regular section, "Career Journal" — nowadays often focused on career transition, and getting started in your new life.

"You Just Have to Do It," by regular Alexandra Levit, points out that "people in the midst of a career reinvention 

Continue reading Your new business venture: getting started

Career transition: After layoff, starting a new business from scratch

Career transition rebounders such as those profiled in a  Business Week article (and the related on-line slideshow) are examples demonstrating that you can leave the corporate nest and go on to successfully "sell your better mousetrap" or yourself. (Not explicitly mentioned is the very real issue of how to sell your newly-rebounded self, or your new venture. No matter: we cover that how-to-sell in this blog.)

The 29 people — career transition rebounders — profiled in the video/slide-show include,

Continue reading Career transition: After layoff, starting a new business from scratch

USA Today: “Entrepreneurs turn to 401(k)s”

USA Today has been running a series, edited by Rhonda Abrams, on starting your own business. This article, by Christine Dugas, looks at some case studies of entrepreneurs tapping their retirement accounts to fund start-ups. The article also looks at some of the tax and economic ramifications of doing that.

Here's the link to the USA Today article on how entrepreneurs can tap their 401(k)s to fund new start-ups.

Decision influencers: who they are, and how to work with them

Decision influencers: who are they, and how can you work effectively with them?

Even if the user, or the person in charge of an area, does not have the level of Authority, Need, and Dollars to be the actual Decision Maker, they may nonetheless be an important "Decision Influencer."

Continue reading Decision influencers: who they are, and how to work with them