Tag Archives: sales presentations

“Best presentations ever” — see Squidoo

Sales presentations– I'm doing my homework before branching into Squidoo, and part of that homework involves seeing what's out there.

This "lens" on Squidoo is titled "Best presentations ever" . . . and it's very good.  It's actually a sampling of what the author thinks are the best.

Maybe most interesting is a young Steve Jobs, wearing suit, white shirt, and long hair(!) doing the introductory presentation for the first Mac, back in January 1985.

Anyway, here's the link to "Best presentations ever," via Squidoo

More on non-verbal signals in the sales call

In a recent post, I mentioned an article from the British magazine New Scientist on non-verbals in the job interview situation (very analogous to the initial face-to-face sales call).

 Link to that article on New Scientist site.

We do get into non-verbals particularly in my book Sales Presentations & Demonstrations.

But if you really want to know more, check out the website  Simply Body Language.  Lot of good stuff for the sales person.  But also an array of funny videos and photos on when body language goes bad!  

Alas, Amazon has wrong cover up for SALES PRESENTATIONS & DEMONSTRATIONS

For whatever reason (mischievous elves, gremlins, perhaps even human error!) Amazon is showing thePresSmallColorFix9-30 wrong cover for Sales Presentations & Demonstrations.  What is showing is the cover for How to Sell Face-to-Face: Survival Guide both for itself and for Sales Presentations.

"It'll be fixed soon," so they say.

Till then (or whenever!), here's the correct cover for Sales Presentations & Demonstrations.

DEMONSTRATIONS. Sales training course / handbook: gain pre-commitment; read
& send nonverbal messages; practical how-to presentation… demo as proof
source; questions, objections.
  by Michael McGaulley
[paperback: ChamplainHouseMedia;

2010; $9.95; ISBN: 0976840634; ISBN-13:

At last!

A few weeks ago, I expressed my frustration in getting the new series of sales training books up by quoting Yogi Berra: "Things take longer than they do." Still true, but now I'd add a corollary: "And sometimes things take not only longer than they do, but even longer than you can ever imagine!"

In any case, the three new sales books are finally out, as you'll see in the column on the left. (How to Sell Face-to-Face Survival Guide (for people very new to, and maybe a little intimidated by, the thought of selling face-to-face); Sales Training Tutorials (more detailed, with more advanced guidance); and Sales Presentations and Demonstrations

(Alas, there's still a small glitch:  as of this moment, Amazon is showing the cover for Sales Survival Guide both for that book as well as for Sales Presentations, which has a green cover.  "Within the week it'll be fixed" — so I'm told.)

By way of celebration, I'll be putting up free sample chapters within the next few days. (That is, samples beyond the free sections available via the link at the top of the left column.)

That said, this blog has been in semi-hibernation while waiting for the books, and now will begin adding fresh material.