Tag Archives: gatekeepers

Just what IS a buying signal?

A buying signal may come as any of a variety of  types of often subtle cues that the mood has shifted, and the other person is now ready to agree . . . or at least to be open to what you propose.


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Telephone sales skills: if you encounter voice mail

Voice mail, or answering machines on either land lines or cell phones, works as another kind of screen or gatekeeper keeping you from talking directly to the prospect in organizations both small and large.

Here , as part of our series here on telephone sales skills, we look  at five key rules that apply when you encounter the Prospect's voice mail.

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Buying signals — from the Gatekeeper or Screen

Buying signals from the gatekeeper or screen: What kinds of cues should you be alert for? (For the records, gatekeeper and screen are usually interchangeable terms, and may apply to anyone from the guard at the gate to the secretary to the personal assistant to the Decision Maker.)

Be attuned for the subtle clues, or buying signals,  gatekeepers may send that indicate that this secretary or other screen is becoming interested, and hence relaxing the barrier.

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