Category Archives: Free sales training articles

“Never too late to start a business,” USA Today

That's the title  of Laura Petrecca's article in USA Today, but actually it's by no means just about "older" Americans: the stats indicate it's "just-plain American" (of all ages) who are starting new businesses, electing self-employment, and otherwise going off on their own as consultants, free-agents, and the like.  Here are some of the key numbers on self-employment from that article:

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Independent contractors, consultants, free agents: article in New York Times

The nature of work may be changing, suggests Michael Luo in The New York Times, as work may be "becoming more temporary and project-based, with workers increasingly functioning as free agents and no longer being governed by traditional long-term employer-employee relationships."

Michael Sinclair, featured in the article, speaking of his role as an independent contractor in the

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“Good-paying jobs don’t come from bailouts. They come from start-ups”– Tom Friedman in NYTimes

Yeah, it surprised me, too, to read that in what I'd long viewed as the ultra-liberal, pro-big-government New York  Times.

But it wasn't really the Times speaking, rather it was Tom Friedman, one of the Times' most savvy and open-minded columnists. 

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Buying signals

Just what IS a buying signal?

A buying signal is some kind of often subtle signal that the mood has shifted and the other person is now ready to agree . . . or at least to be open to what you propose.

In other words, a "buying signal" may signal readiness to . . . 

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Buying signals gatekeeper: cues to be alert for

Buying signals from the gatekeeper or screen: What kinds of cues should you be alert for? (For the record, gatekeeper and screen are usually interchangeable terms, and may apply to anyone from the guard at the gate, to the secretary, to the Decision Maker's personal assistant.)

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“People 55 and Older Start Own Businesses in Growing Numbers,” NYTimes

"Starting over at 55" — title of the article by Stephen Greenhouse, part of a New York Times special section on retirement.

Some interesting case studies on early retirees who used their skills and experience to start-up new

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“Jobs—are freelance and part-time gigs the future?” Newsweek asks

"Contingent workers—including part-timers, free-lancers, and contractors— consistently make up about 30 percent of the [American] workforce between 1996 and 2005. . . [and] . . . that number may be higher next time they measure."

— That's from a Newsweek article by Linda Stern. 

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