Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills

Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills

E-book $3.99; paper $9.95
Selling  101: Consultative Selling Skills (third edition) is drawn from the selling skills training courses and sales how-to books the author developed for top marketing organizations. Ideal for sales meetings and continuing OJT, and for people selling consulting services or free-agent assignments. Selling 101 is particularly intended for people who have had some sales experience, or those exploring new business ideas. Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills is part of the Small Business How-to Sales Series. Available also is the Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide, which coordinates with Selling 101. More info →
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Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide

Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide

$12.95Paper: $12.95
This Sales Training Workshop- Leader Guide is the instructor’s guide for the text, Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills. Both Selling 101 and this Sales Training Workshop – Leader Guide are part of the Small Business Sales How-to Series, by the same author. More info →
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Sales Training Tutorials

Sales Training Tutorials

E-book: $4.99; paper: $9.99
SALES TRAINING TUTORIALS is a concise, to-the-point, information-rich sales training book, set up around 25 practical self-instructional sales tutorials. It is particularly directed to the needs of people who are new to selling . . . people such as new small business owners, consultants, free-agents, free-lancers and self-employeds who will benefit from better selling skills. More info →
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Newbie’s Guide to Selling Face-to-Face: Quick Start for Consultants, Freelancers, New Self-employed, Career Changers, Start-Ups

Newbie’s Guide to Selling Face-to-Face: Quick Start for Consultants, Freelancers, New Self-employed, Career Changers, Start-Ups

This NEWBIE’S GUIDE TO SELLING-FACE-TO-FACE is a short, to-the-point handbook focusing on the need-to-know for people getting started in the process of finding prospects and making face-to-face sales calls. It’s especially targeted to the needs of career-changers and people going off on their own, or looking for a new job or a new field— such as consultants, free-agents, or independent contractors. The NEWBIE’S GUIDE TO SELLING-FACE-TO-FACE is drawn from the author’s experience developing sales and sales management training for some of America’s top corporate “sales universities.” More info →

Professional Sales Presentations & Demonstrations

Professional Sales Presentations & Demonstrations

E-book: $3.95; paper: $9.95
PROFESSIONAL SALES PRESENTATIONS & DEMONSTRATIONS covers the practical how-to of preparing, setting up, and then presenting or demonstrating in front of the prospect. The third section of the book, on communicating on multiple levels, covers the crucial issue of reading and sending the appropriate non-verbal messages, including positioning yourself and subtly moving the prospect. More info →
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How to ask the SMART QUESTIONS for winning the games of career and life

How to ask the SMART QUESTIONS for winning the games of career and life

E-book: $3.99. Paper: $9.99
How to ask the SMART QUESTIONS for winning the games of career and life gives you the tools and career development skills for breaking out and gaining fresh perspective on what is really going on beneath the surface in meetings, assignments, subtle competitions and other aspects of success in your work and the broader career game More info →
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How to use MENTAL PICKPOCKETING to get to the truth without seeming to ask questions!

How to use MENTAL PICKPOCKETING to get to the truth without seeming to ask questions!

Masters of Mental Pickpocketing have learned to ask questions and get to the truth without seeming to ask. This little book tells you how you can learn those tricks . . . and how to sidestep when they’re used on you. More info →
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